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Online Anxiety Therapy

The following article aims to address what online anxiety therapy is, how it works and how to access it in the UK.

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Mindler can help with Online Anxiety Therapy

Mindler is a digital healthcare provider. We offer online therapy where you can speak to a therapist online via video call directly in our app.

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What is online anxiety therapy?

Anxiety can be described as a feeling of unease, like fear or worry. Everyone experiences some form of anxiety at some point in life but the severity of it varies and can determine whether treatment is necessary. The most prevalent treatments for anxiety disorders are psychotherapy and medication. Online therapy describes treatment via the Internet.

Online anxiety therapy therefore involves treatment for anxiety via the Internet and does not differ in content but does in regards to the environment it is conducted in, as it takes place online rather than a physical space. This can involve a GP or psychiatrist prescribing medication via video conferencing. Psychotherapy via video call or messaging or access to online self help materials. Psychotherapy involves talking to a mental health professional such as a psychologist in order to understand more about your mood, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. The most prevalent approach to psychotherapy for anxiety is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for anxiety online

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an approach to psychotherapy that has been effective in working with a range of mental health difficulties like depression, other mood disorders and anxiety. CBT suggests that our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and physical symptoms are all linked and can shape our view of ourselves and the world around us. CBT for anxiety can involve learning relaxation techniques. It can also help with identifying negative thoughts or maladaptive behaviors that contribute to anxiety and in turn try to change them. CBT for anxiety online does not differ from traditional in person CBT for anxiety, it just takes places via the Internet. Online CBT for anxiety can be particularly helpful in decreasing stressors associated with commuting to appointments, as well as allowing individuals to attend sessions from a space that is already familiar to them, like their home.

Does online therapy for anxiety work?

Studies suggest that online CBT can be just as effective as in-person CBT and found no difference in client satisfaction depending on whether therapy is in-person or online.

Additional research found that online CBT lead to significant reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety.

How to get online anxiety therapy in the UK?

There are various ways to access online anxiety help in the UK. The NHS offers some treatment for anxiety online and any treatment via the NHS should be free. You can access treatment for anxiety online via the NHS by talking to your GP or checking whether your local IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) accepts self referrals. It would be important to inform your GP or the IAPT service that you are interested in online treatment as some services may offer solely in person treatment, solely online or a mixture of both. Other free or low cost options for therapy online are charities such as your local Mind. Individuals may also have access to online therapy via their place of education or work. Another way of accessing online anxiety treatment online in the UK would be going private. This would involve finding an accredited therapist on reliable websites such as the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP), the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) or the British Psychological Society (BPS). Alternatively there are also various online therapy providers, such as Mindler, that make sure that their therapists meet the appropriate criteria to work in the UK.

Mindler’s aim as an online therapy platform is to provide accessible online therapy. We offer 50-minute sessions with HCPC registered Counseling or Clinical Psychologists that cost £90 pounds. Individuals are able to book an appointment within 24 hours. Mindler also offers self-help materials that individuals get access to after their first appointment.

How much does online anxiety therapy cost in the UK?

As aforementioned any treatment via the NHS should be free and individuals may access treatment free online treatment for anxiety via this avenue. Additionally mental health charities may also offer online anxiety treatment for free or low cost. Online private psychotherapy sessions for anxiety differ, as the experience and qualifications of the practitioner may be reflected in the price. Mindler aims to provide accessible online therapy by offering 50-minute sessions with HCPC registered Counseling or Clinical Psychologists that cost £90 pounds.


  1. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30186-3/fulltext

  2. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-49463-001

Updated: 2023-02-24

Author: Antigone Lanitis

Reviewed by: Morina Moran