Your resources
To help you during your treatment, your psychologist may have recommended one or more of the following documents. Please feel free to download them!
1. Get started
101: Reflecting after your first session
102: Observe your problem behaviours
103: Identify what’s important to you
104: Activity diary (behavioural activation)
2. Exposure
3. OCD
301: Observe your problem behaviours: OCD
302: Identify your obsessions and compulsions
4. Social anxiety
401: Observe your problem behaviour: social anxiety
5. Panic and agoraphobia
501: Understanding panic attacks
502: Panic and agoraphobia checklist
503: Observe your problem behaviour: panic
6. Problem solving
604: Analysing a problem situation
7. Cognitive restructuring
701: Identifying cognitive bias
702: Dealing with cognitive bias
703: Observe your negative automatic thoughts
8. Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
801: Formulation of the problem: GAD