Mindler doesn’t have a contract with insurance companies under Achmea/Zilveren Kruis, but Mindler does have a payment-agreement with them.

Important notes to pay attention to:


At this insurer you pay both costs for own risk and a part of your own contribution. The insurer shall only reimburse a part of the treatment. This varies between 55% and 100% of the price. The price depends on your policy. Mindler will also cover a part of your treatment to reduce the costs for you as a client.

Click here for more information regarding your own risk.

If your insurance company reimburses less than 80%, you will receive an additional invoice for your own contribution. Would you like to know how much this can be? Contact CS through info@mindler.nl.

Declaration of invoices

Mindler will directly submit the invoices to your insurer. You don't need to take any further action regarding this.