Partners in healthcare
As an online provider of mono disciplinary mental health care, Mindler is part of the Dutch healthcare system. In order to provide patients with appropriate care, it is important to understand what kind of care we cannot provide as an online provider. Together with our partners, we therefore make agreements to always be able to help clients move forward, even when Mindler is not the right healthcare provider for a specific client.

Working together in healthcare
Unfortunately, the number of people with psychological complaints is increasing and they are entitled to general practitioner care, the various parts of mental healthcare and the social domain. In order to continue to provide good, accessible and affordable care in the future, it is important that these different domains work together.
On this page you will find more information about which other organizations in healthcare Mindler collaborates with.
Mindler is part of the ‘Network digital mental healthcare’, a network of digital organizations in mental healthcare.
Mindler is part of the ‘Network digital mental healthcare’, a network of digital organizations in mental healthcare.

GGZ Hulp Online In mental healthcare Mindler works together with GGZ Hulp Online (part of GGZ Centraal). This organization focuses on a more severe target group in mental health care, but aims to provide short-term treatment. If a client turns out to be too severe for a treatment at Mindler they can be referred to GGZ Hulp Online. It’s desirable for a client and also for a GP, to know that appropriate care can been found.

Solutalks Solutalks is also a mental healthcare institution from the Digital Mental Healthcare Network with which Mindler has a partnership. This organization focuses on a more severe target group in mental health care too. Solutalks is a highly experienced organization in treating a broad spectrum of mental disorders in a digital setting.

Amethist addiction treatment Mindler works together with Amethist addiction care, a mental healthcare institution aimed at treating different types of addiction. In contrast to the aforementioned partners, addiction care is complex to set up in an entirely digital care process, which is why Amethist works both physically and online.
Other partners in the Digital GGZ Network are: Thubble (Dimence), Altrecht, GGZ Breburg, Jellinek, Mentaal Beter online, Mediant, Tacton (Tactus), 113 Suicide Prevention Online and GGZ Online.

WeQuit Mindler works with WeQuit, an organization that helps people quit smoking. It has been scientifically proven that smoking and psychological problems are linked. About half of the people that suffer from a depression, also smoke. That is 1.5 times as many as people without a depression (Trimbos, 2021). That is why it’s good to pay attention to smoking behavior in case of psychological complaints.